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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 18 May 2021

The Allow Love Show - Connecting with Spirit with Mary Sherritt Russell and Rod Russell

The Allow Love Show - Connecting with Spirit with Mary Sherritt Russell and Rod Russell
Mary Sherritt Russell and Rod Russell

The Allow Love Show

Connecting With Spirit

Answers From The Other Side

Rod Russell, a Trance Channel and Mary Sherritt Russell, facilitator extraordinaire and author of CATYA (a book to help you get out of your own way) delight in hosting this show! Their purpose is to provide answers to callers’ questions and to facilitate advice as callers request. Rod has been channeling for a quarter of a century, bringing through over a hundred different Beings from the other side so far. Who comes through each time depends on whoever is most appropriate for the attendees of that particular show. He also commands that only those Beings who are of the Light come through, so that everyone is safe. Mary has been working with channelers for over 30 years and so is quite familiar with how to interface with them. And she assists you in getting you the most information which you desire from them. They live on Maui (Hawaii). Go to youtube to view six videos which were filmed in January 2016. 

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

The Allow Love Show , November 1, 2018 with Shoshen, a Pleiadian
The Allow Love Show , October 25, 2018 with Serapis Bey, Head of the Great White Brotherhood
The Allow Love Show , October 18, 2018 with Lady Sophia
The Allow Love Show , October 11, 2018 with Merlin, the Magician
The Allow Love Show , October 4, 2018 with Merlin, the Magician
The Allow Love Show , September 27, 2018 with Genghis Khan
The Allow Love Show , September 20, 2018 with Sananda, also known as Jesus
The Allow Love Show , September 13, 2018 with Geran, a Pleiadian advisor
The Allow Love Show , September 6, 2018 with Kuthumi, Ascended Master and World Teacher
The Allow Love Show , August 30, 2018 with Buddha
The Allow Love Show , August 16, 2018 with Lady Athena
The Allow Love Show , August 9, 2018 with Enoch
The Allow Love Show , August 2, 2018 with Genghis Khan
The Allow Love Show , July 26, 2018 with DjWhal Kuhl
The Allow Love Show , July 19, 2018 with Serapis Bey, Head of the Great White Brotherhood
The Allow Love Show , July 12, 2018 with Isis, Goddess of Healing
The Allow Love Show , July 5, 2018 with Lady Nada, Goddess of Sweetness
The Allow Love Show , June 28, 2018 with Mary Magdalene
The Allow Love Show , June 21, 2018 with Osham, a Pleiadian
The Allow Love Show , June 14, 2018 with Athena, Goddess of War and Wisdom
Mary Sherritt Russell
Charitable Foundations Developer, Metaphysical & Health Practitioner, Workshop & Seminar Organizer, Personal Development Coach, Certified International Color & Image Consultant, Teacher-Trainer, Author, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Philanthropist and Show Host

Empowering people to find their passion, help others and make a difference, has always been important to Mary.  So when she discovered that Private Charitable Operating Foundations are a 501(c)(3) tool within which individuals and families can operate and affect challenges in society, she committed to supporting people by creating these entities and teaching them how to manage and run their own private charitable foundation.  She is about access to transformational information, about offering opportunities for people to break up the human tendency to stay stuck in stagnant thinking, to understand how magnificent they really are, and about change to new perspectives and the resultant improvement in their own and other people's lives.  Included in this mission was a move to Maui to create and empower a metaphysical and educational Center, involving people of all ages, providing healing modalities and personal development, organic farming and sustainability, horse therapy for children, and hosting conferences, workshops and seminars, to focus on assisting individuals to empower themselves to become the best they can be, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and dimensionally.

We are the ones we have been waiting for. Hopi Elders

Additionally, Mary has studied the power of color to heal.  She is a Certified International Consultant Teacher-Trainer with C. W. Designs, who pioneered the research into color as light and energy, wearing fabrics in your correct intensity empowers you inside and out.  She also believes in holistic, alternative approaches to wellness and health, and she feels that everything is energy, that balancing the body biochemically and emotionally are major keys to feeling great.  Every organ and body system has a unique energy frequency, and a biofeedback system she works with accomplishes a shift in frequencies.   When such issues are corrected, people can come to feel wonderful again, energy up, excited about life and happier.
Mary is now a published author, with her first book, "CATYA Finding & Shifting What Still Holds You Back."  She has an extensive background in business ownership, leadership training, networking, organization and management, financial concepts, education and fund-raising.  She was editor of five published children’s books on American history.  
Don't ask yourself what the world needs. 
Ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. 
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. Harold Whitman
Her non-profit activities include Boards of Trustees memberships, as a Trustee of the EPAJS Foundation, the QUANTUM ENERGETICS Foundation, the FDWFTH Foundation, the LIFE ANGEL Foundation, the SVET Foundation FOR THE HUMAN BEING, the GO GREEN CULTURE Foundation, and the ALLOW LOVE Foundation.  She is happily married to Rod Russell and they reside in Carson City, Nevada and on Maui (Hawaii).  
Rod Russell
Maui, HawaiiUS
Other Websites:
Trace Channel, Hands-On Healer, Teacher, Talk Show Host

Rod was born in Roswell, New Mexico. That’s right, Roswell, just before the ship crashed. He grew up on the banks of the Pecos River not far from Roswell on a cattle ranch and cotton farm. As a young boy of three, he was “seeing” spirits, but was then convinced by his parents that he "couldn’t". The animals were a major connection for Rod and a great source of comfort.  Clouds were fascinating to him and he would spend hours lying on his back in the pastures looking at the clouds. As an adult Rod became an electrical engineer, working for more than two decades designing “silicon chips”, taking four years out to start and run a metaphysical bookstore in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Rod’s passion since early adult life was to be of Service, and at age forty his "seeing" gift returned and he went to work developing that channeling gift.  He "fired" Silicon Valley and moved to Kauai, bought land, built a home and channeled for many people locally and internationally, for fifteen years, then moved to Maui in 2014. 

Rod Russell is "Allow Love's" Trance Channel. Rod goes into trance, i.e., his consciousness leaves and he becomes a young boy around 6 to 9 years old.  He goes and plays while Spirit in the form of a Being from the other side comes through to answer your questions and provide guidance to assist you when you need to make decisions about various aspects of your life.  When returning to consciousness Rod  has no memory of who came in or what was said.  He is indeed a total trance channel.

Who comes through when Rod leaves? It could be one of your guides, a Master, an Archangel, a Creator God/Goddess, Watcher, Higher Self or, under special circumstances, a loved one who has crossed over. More than 100 different "Guests" have come through Rod. Some of the “guests” who have come through are Maitreya, Saint Germain, DjWhal Kuhl, Melchizedek, Sananda, Metatron, Isis, Kuan Yin, Kuthumi, Lady Portia, Athena, Pele’, Enoch, El Morya, Seraphis Bey, Thoth, ArchAngel Michael, Merlin, Lord Michael, Genghis Khan, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Ashtar.

Rod's Gatekeeper Marianna divinely calls through the most appropriate Being to answer your questions and give you the advice you seek and which will serve you the best,

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