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Trauma Attachment Empowerment with Dr Melanie Burton

Trauma Attachment Empowerment with Dr. Melanie Burton

Guest, Dr. Stephen Erza West. Health and Empowerment Expert. We are all capable of becoming geniuses in our own way. The Laws of Empowerment.  Health, Wealth, Peace and Prosperity.

Weapons to disestablish the genocidal Vatican and Roman Catholic Church: 
Use this Law, Warrant, and Public Notice to seize church properties, lands, and wealth!
Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we’re talking about what we can do to start breaking money silence.


In our culture, there seems to be a stigma surrounding open conversations about money and financial matters. We all could benefit from adjusting our mindset about money, but first, we have to actually be willing to talk about it.

Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we’re talking about wealth. Does it come from luck? Are people just born into it? Or, is wealth more about knowledge, planning, and taking the right actions in life?


Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss the journey into building a beautiful and blissful lifestyle.

Our guest, Moneeka Sawyer, shares advice for mastering emotions, overcoming stressors, and bringing bliss into our everyday lives.

Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss transitions in both health care and wealth care.

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb

Interview with Margaret M. Lynch