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Sharmin Smith for President 2020

Sharmin Smith is an every day mom and American citizen who will not stand by any longer and watch our wonderful country held hostage by politicians who are corrupt and do not respect the will of their constituents.

Sharmin has traveled the country as a military brat and spouse to a career Naval Officer. She has seen the hurt in our citizen's faces as they try to pay their bills and raise their children in a country that seems to not care about them anymore.

Our guest Carol Schwartz was an elected official in Washington, D.C. spanning four decades. Though a Republican then, where the voter registration was against her 11 to 1, she ran for Mayor, coming close to defeating Marion Barry in 1994—still the closest Mayoral general election in the city’s history. (She has been a registered Independent since 2013.) Her just-published autobiography 'Quite a Life! From Defeat to Defeat…And Back' chronicles the 73-year-old’s journey from Midland, Texas, to becoming a D.C. political fixture. Let's hear her views on life in Washington, D.C. today!

Washington DC was the first city in the United States to issue gender neutral driver’s licenses and identification (ID) documents. The new policy went into effect June 27. It allows people to choose “X” as their gender if they do not identify as either male or female. Our guest, Nic Sakurai, became the first person in the United States to officially receive a driver’s license with an “X” as an unspecified/other gender marker on June 27, 2017.

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Our topics this week include the President's first speech to Congress, the economy and the new bill for D.C. Statehood called the  'Washington, DC Admission Act' introduced by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and DC Council Chairman Phil Mendelson to make Washington, DC the 51st state.  The bill is co-sponsored by all 116 Democrats. In the past, Congresswoman Norton has introduced DC statehood bills with each new Congress, previously known as the New Columbia Admission Act.

Shawn & Sean talk Huskies & Ducks football with former UW Running Back Greg Lewis, former UO Linebacker David Massey, & former Duck Wide Receiver Daniel Barkley.