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The first thing I have to say is that I am not a physical person. In fact, I was exhausted right after birth. By the age of 5, I had already had two near death experiences and suffered from sinus issues already, ( I still do ).  As I grew older, it got worse. I used to think of myself as a floating head. All mind, no body.  I believe this was probably called "disassociation ".  However, I was highly analytical and just didn't like all the messy physical stuff like eating, walking, moving, pain ...

Do you ever wonder where your deceased loved ones are and if they hear you when you talk to them? Since a young age, our guest Jacob Cooper has been in touch with the spirit realm. Through his profound Near Death Experience (NDE), he empowers others through educating and answering the mystery about life on the other side of the veil. Jacob is a licensed social worker, certified Reiki master, certified hypnotherapist, and provides meditation seminars throughout the country. Join us and find out more!

Why Am I So Happy with Paula Vail

Why Am I So Happy with Paula Vail

Interviewing James Duignam

Alexandra Meadors interviews Jeffery Godfrey, (corrected my name spelling) an amazing healer with over three decades in Bhakti Yoga, Reiki training and VortexHealing.

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr. Susan Kolb interviewing special guest Melissa Escara

Discussing “In10tions: A Mindset Reset Guide to Happiness”

I am a conventional doctor of medicine, who is also blessed with the gift of clairvoyance. I have been through training as a psychic, a healer, and a medium in addition to my training in an anesthesiologist. My passion is to bring healing to a whole new dimension: with Spirit. Healers of the past, used spiritual technique because there was no technology to aid them in the care of patients.

Adventures Into Reality with Andrew Bartzis and Danielle Lynn

Debut Episode on BBS Radio

November 19, 2012 — Theresa Daley  is a Spiritual Mentor and lives at Nala Pakana, her 79 acre off the grid property deep in the bush of Southern Tasmania Australia.  Theresa began working with people over ten years ago, she is level three Reiki initiated, a Flower Essence Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Children’s Yoga Teacher and Meditation Teacher and Healer.  At this time, Theresa guides people to awaken their conscious mind by changing the patterns in their life so they may live from, and within, the wellspring of Divine Love.

In the episode, listeners are the guests! Listeners call in and email about all kinds of spiritual and metaphysical topics including dreams, past lives, our loved ones on the other side and Reiki healing. Francine also talks about meditation barriers and her work as a medium and workshop facilitator.

DENEAN, singer/songwriter and passionate lover of Mother Earth and all our relations shares her amazing music and philosophy with us. She spent years working with top country music artists in Nashville, then joined a production company in Colorado to produce her signature album, "Fire Prayer". Since then, she has formed her own production company, and won the 2000 New Mexico "Mic" award as best producer.