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Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

Piercing The Veil with Jordan-Michael and Corey Stevens

Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

Piercing The Veil with Jordan-Michael and Corey Steven

​Guest, John Nastav (Pen Name) I.M. WAITING, author of "IN THY MOTHER'S HONOR" - Heavy Combat Marine & Vietnam Veteran...

Exposing Agent Orange, and the US GOV abandonment/ failure of veterans.

John has issued a call for support, his book can be purchased from AMAZON, BARNES AND NOBLE, or directly from the publisher by calling: 1-800-788-7654

Thank you.

Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

Piercing The Veil with Jordan-Michael

Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

Piercing The Veil with Jordan-Michael and Corey Stevens

Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

Piercing The Veil with Jordan-Michael and Corey Stevens

Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

Corey Takes the Lead on This Show... Host/Co-host role reversal...

We discuss briefly the Parkland Shooting, current state of affairs, then dive right into the show topic:  The Creative Arts...

Corey takes us on a journey from ancient time periods in art history, to modern day creations....

Excellent conversation ensues....

Pierce The Veil, and the Truth will Reveal Itself!

Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

Jordan and Corey are back, and fashionably late for 2018.... First live episode of the year and it's a long one.... Audio Track from the beginning of the show is sampled from:

(CHILLHOP MUSIC) - Check out their awesome mixes for work & study.

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There was too much information to fit in a single show, but we almost got it done. :P

Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

A nice smooth flow on this episode... Jordan and Corey lay down some simple life hacks which can immediately improve your health, engage in a brief discussion on current world events, and generally discuss the course of humanity going into 2018.

This is the last live episode aired during 2017, before Jordan and Corey took a well deserved 2 + month hiatus from Broadcasting... 

Buckle up for a wild ride in 2018, and Remember...

Pierce The Veil, and the Truth Will Reveal Itself!!!

Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

Piercing the Veil Radio is back with a special episode centered on important current events (Q phenomena, Fall of the Deepstate/ShadowGovernment, arrests, etc.)

Among other updates and themes, the general discussion of this episode between Corey and Jordan focuses on, the power of utilizing transitional techniques and/or technology to become self-sustainable and energy independent.

Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

*** Audio is super shitty on this episode. My skype was being fucked with, you will hear a few delays in my speech. Hang in there, good info dropped during this episode ***

Jordan and Corey discuss recent events, vegas shooting, JFK files released, Northwoods etc. We discuss the beginning of the fall for the so called "elite". This is the tipping point. We should see some big things happening next month in November.

Pierce The Veil and The Truth Will Reveal Itself!