Some say that 12-strand DNA seers disappeared ages ago, while others attest that they still walk among us, only hidden from most people’s view. It is suggested that the repetition of mantras such as the Sri mantra, or focus on the Sri yantra can help to activate the original 12-strands which humankind was meant to embody. But nowadays, we have a more efficient tool to accomplish a full DNA activation and reset: The Soul Reprogramming Method
In many New Age and spiritual circles, the word metaphysical is tossed around, such that it has begun to lose its true meaning. Though the term, coming from the Greek: meta ta physika (after the nature of things) describes metaphysicality to some degree, philosophical doctrines often muddy the waters.
This is because broad concepts are not often defined, and the word itself is used to suit many alterior motives. Metaphysics is actually the study of the world beyond the physical – the Creator’s world.
We’re all familiar with the so-called basic building blocks of life, but many of us are unaware that the double helix is composed of 12-strands as opposed to 2. The 2-strand theory is the Watson and Crick version of DNA, but new research suggests that our DNA is holographic in nature, just like the Universe, and is much more complex.
DNA activation occurs naturally when we are born. Two strands of DNA are activated to give us all the information that we need for our life in earth as humans and descendants of the parents that we chose.
There are other 10 strands of DNA that scientist could not explain, or find a purpose related to the physical body and decided to call them “Junk”.
These 10 strands are our connection to the Divine, our spiritual abilities, the memory of who we really are, how we can communicate to our higher beings... (Read full article)