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Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss the mindset and behaviors necessary to optimize human potential in the workplace and in the world.


Our first guests, Mike Sherbakov and Jenny Scholl of The Greatness Foundation, join us to discuss optimizing human potential in the world and how we can all be more, do more, and give more.

Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss making effective choices to transition your life and come into your power in your business.

Like many starseeds Mark Jones had a rough childhood including a family that was broken for almost 40 years. Acquiring a telescope changed his life. His interest in the skies, and his sense of belonging more 'out there' than on Earth, led him to pursue sky-watching with increasing expertise, wider and wider lenses, and a keen sense of the spiritual worlds that also lay beyond our normal 3d realms.

Helen Leatham is an Australian Registered Nurse who dedicated years to help improve conditions in some of the most devastated regions of the globe. After serving in an Australian aboriginal setting, Helen moved quickly to the 'front lines' with Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) in Afghanistan, Sudan and Nepal.

What makes a good leader? Is leadership truly a reality or can it only be defined by the follower’s perspective regarding any given leader? Without followers, a leader is an illusion, so the reality is that the followers actually follow and the question is why? We will also discuss Education and share answers from the community of followers. This will be "A People’s Voice Show."

Corporate business is serious because it provides the stuff from which jobs come from to put food on the table, feed your family, keep your marriage, and to some extent, it helps keep your sanity glued.

But don’t ever become a corporate person; don’t lose your sense of self-identity; don’t ever sell your soul to a company only for the sake of feeling financially secure: wake up, there’s no such thing!

What is it about war that for some, bring out the most extraordinary quality in people from the most ordinary of men?  General Thomas Jackson: religious by birth, spiritual by choice, and faithful by conviction, how is it that a man of such humble beginnings could know how to use the darkness of war as a means of emerging as a representation for men to follow?  Jackson brought us to understand that there can be a clarity to conflict and a devotion to courage and principle – the very stuff that people look for in the folklore often found among heroes – which is nothing less than ex