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Images for Reverend Kevin D. Annett - Set 2

Images for Reverend Kevin D. Annett

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett

Title: Building a Common Law Republic: An online Training Session with Kevin Annett from a recent conference

Pfizer, China indicted for genocide as Kevin Annett dodges assassination 

On his recent global blog program Here We Stand (January 2), Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice shared from his heart a stirring new year's message and update:

 Kevin Annett's life is at risk: An Urgent Appeal

Kevin is unable to afford urgent kidney surgery: Help him now as he has helped so many for so long

Issued by his friends on December 26, 2021

Why are Catholic churches being trashed? 

Kevin Annett replies to the Vancouver Police Department - and points to upcoming reclamation actions

Hello Mr Annett,

I am a Detective with the Vancouver Police Department, and my partner and I have been assigned to look into some of the more recent incidents in the city of Vancouver that relate to the vandalism towards Catholic Churches and ongoing protests from the heightened tension in society today.