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Sessions Schools Senate. The Pittsburgh Butt Pirates?

Top ten highlights of Sessions testimony by Infowars.

Time to cut jobs? 

Can't take your kids to a baseball game, laughable lawsuits

From Snowflakes to Trumpflakes, America needs Head & Shoulders

This is not a knock on the president. He is doing the best he can given the horrific circumstances of the entire Establishment. This is about the irrational worship of an iconic figure. For eight years, Obama supporters, and rightfully so, were lambasted for doing the exact same thing.


James Comey like a good boy fell on his sword for the Obama/Clinton regime. Reality is quite unreal. Time permitting: Ramadan Rampage. British Millenial Fail
Comey for Prison 2017

Comey's live testimony is a joke. If I were president, all of this would have been avoided by one move. Ramadan Rampage from Satan's people.

Will address Ramadan tomorrow 

The Devastating impact to world poverty by 3rd world immigration.

Two excellent audio clips and my take on the Comey Situation

Alexandra Meadors and Laura Legere team up for a review on how to take action in regaining our freedom. Laura is working on becoming a Common Law Administrator with the National Liberty Alliance and shares how this organization is here to supply all of us a very needed vehicle of support.

Alexandra Meadors and Winston Shrout get together again to review the legal aspects of obtaining true sovereignty. This particular interview covers his solutions in commerce on 'Reclaiming Your Status & Assets.' In our opinion this is without a doubt one of the most important action items we all need to take to successfully extract ourselves legally from the financial entanglements we caught ourselves in when we received our personal birth certificate as well as when we signed the SS-5 form to go into the work force. This applies to ALL countries.

Another info-packed interview between Alexandra Meadors and Randy Cramer. This 2 hour exchange reviews all sorts of current events on the ground and in space.

Alexandra Meadors goes solo this week with a full recap of her adventures up at ECETI's conference over the 4th of July weekend. She reviews not only what occurred before leaving for the conference, but what ended up developing into another significant mission for Mother Earth and beyond! Alexandra shares the details of this mission and the emergence of The Universal Brotherhood of Oneness to create total harmonic convergence of Light.

Stephen Bassett and Alexandra Meadors cover a wide array of topics regarding the Truth Embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. Find out how our political history in 1947, 1964, and 2001 all played a role in why the US Military Intelligence Complex still ignores the existence of our Galactic Brothers and Sisters.