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"Conspiracies, Controversies, and Creating a new Reality"

Shannon Guest and Alexandra Meadors review a unique and beautiful way of bringing forth angelic messages through personal artistic creations. Shannon is an Angel Intuitive and Psychic Artist. Through the brush or pastels, psychic messages transform into a visual reflection of Guardian Angels, Soul Portraits or other types of Guides and Teachers. Her hands are guided to create each and every brush stroke, one after another, until a portrait emerges.The process is through complete trust with her Angels, where they direct the outcome, allowing Shannon to be their conduit.

When we say our hear someone say, "God Bless You," what do we think we're doing? What will happen?  Or who is this God?  And what is blessing?

I guess that getting a "Blessing" is receiving some goodies from God.  This could mean that God who has been busy either not giving blessings or has not been giving blessings to me and others until it has been asked for is is now persuaded to impart blessings--  Wealth, love, opportunity, health, better conditions, relief from pain, free tickets.

Hello friends,   A 17th century monk named Brother Lawrence wrote a series of letters that were compiled into a book "Practicing the Presence of God."

Charlotte Hebert is the author of the book, Meditate and Experience God: Saints, Scriptures, and Science Point the Way, which is available on Amazon. Charlotte's book shows you how you yourself can experience God through meditation, and how this is your birthright. Charlotte has thirty years of experience as a meditator and spiritual practitioner. She resides in Northborough, Massachusetts.

Show 13 of Sun of God University with The Hosts on BBS Radio!

Show 12 of Sun of God University with The Hosts on BBS Radio!

Show 10 of Sun of God University with The Hosts on BBS Radio!

Show 11 of Sun of God University with The Hosts on BBS Radio!

Show 9 of Sun of God University with The Hosts on BBS Radio!