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Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Shusara guides us through a type of visual meditation during this session in order to illustrate how the ego’s perspective is limited and how reactive mind functions. She also focuses on the illusion of both cause/effect and time/space. This session is all about the ego and will be very informative for seekers from all levels of understanding.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

In an effort to reach all listeners with a universal message, Shusara focused tonight’s session on what all seekers can do every day in order to continue forward momentum on their spiritual paths. The first understanding she gave concerned paying attention to the things that cause constriction around the heart and working to drop whatever fear, desire, or belief that holds that constriction in place. Secondly, she talked about beginning to function from your own set of values versus judging yourself based on society’s value system.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight’s show focuses on the necessity of the seeker to confront all his fears, needs and desires in order to advance on the spiritual path. Let Shusara be your drill sergeant tonight as she pushes you to do your work. It’s the toughest job you’ll ever love.Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Shusara addresses all seekers in this session to determine their level of commitment to their spiritual work. Are we a seeker or a true devotee of God? How far are we willing to go in our quest for enlightenment? Shusara points out how important it is for us to ask the tough questions and be honest with our answers, utilizing self-inquiry to root out our deep attachments and fears. The work will push you to your limits, but the end result is liberation from limitation.

Please join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca as they discuss Jesus and Ascended Masters from the lense of A Course in Miracles. Who was Jesus? How did he become enlightened? Did Jesus experience pain during the crucifixion? What are Ascended Masters? Who are some Ascended Masters? How do I connect with my Ascended Self? 

Join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca for the 13th episode focused on A Course in Miracles. In this podcast, the boys will take you through a guided meditation and then discuss one of the more confusing topics for some Course students... if the world is an illusion, how do I function in it? Practical tips to help you through the grand illusion!
Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

After a brief guided meditation centered around awareness and the present moment, Shusara spoke about passive spirituality. In this very blunt and direct transmission, Shusara challenged everyone to stop running form their fears, and to show up to do serious dissolution work at this time. No excuses, no denial and no more hiding, the time has come. Stand up and get started.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Shusara leads us on a guided meditation for the duration of Satsang tonight. Allow the words to flow through you and take this meditation into your daily life.

Join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca for another podcast focused on A Course in Miracles. In this episode Sheldon and Scott delve into the Manual for Teachers. What does it mean to be a teacher of God? How do you heal? How do you practice true forgiveness that leads to enlightenment? All of this and more on 'Of Course Radio'!

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

During tonight’s session Shusara came back to some of the key understandings to dissolution work. The repetition of these Truths is vitally important because the mind’s capacity to understand them changes during the course of dissolution work. These understandings are not meant to be memorized, so much as integrated and actualized. Truths such as the superimposition of the unreal upon the real, you aren’t here to change anything you are here to see through it and the three steps to living in the world, were all presented and discussed at length.