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ET Yoga with Charles Green, banner

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode featured ET Yoga or the Yoga of Belief. Specifics meditations, ideas and concepts.

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This Episode discussed the relation of gem stones and crystals to the 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA and connected them to practical issues in our lives. The process of changing old beliefs was detailed. The final portion concerned the effect of music throughout  the ages with a focus on the Solfeggio frequencies. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode was centered around 'The Poor Man's Guide to Health', 'Advanced Yoga' and 'Advanced Alchemy' through the process of 'Reality Creation'.

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode contained information about Advanced Alchemy, the Andarians, the concept of Intelligence, different branches of Yoga and Cosmic Awareness.

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode included new research into anti-aging, tooth decay, preventive heart disease, decalcifying the pineal gland, and covered disinformation aspects of A.I., the 100th Monkey Effect and the origin of humanity. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode gave hints for progressing in the Ascension Process, details for advanced healing by harmonizing the brain and heart, proof of documentation in ancient texts concerning healing and its editing, some historical bombshells from Paramahansa Yogananda and lots of direction with regards to dealing with health issues. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode centered around the ideas of the 'Soul Trap' and 'Reality Creation'. Specific techniques, ideas, concepts were presented in relation to the idea of 'Healing'  Three types of Reality Creation were explored. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode centered around the reason to choose Spirituality over Religion. It contained perspectives on Religion by Cosmic Awareness, the Pleiadians and Andromedans leading up to the point that the reincarnation grid has been hijacked by Archonic energy. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode revolved around the ideas of 'Reality Creation' and how this can be applied to the human body. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode featured information related to events along the timeline of Ascension. It also includes new information related to the Plant Kingdon, Mandela Effects and the functioning of physical Reality.