The Peace Brain Show with Dr Gail Lash. Listen to prayers and learn how to become the energy of the prayer! Learn meditations for each prayer and how to visualize its energy, become that energy, and walk in the light of that prayer.
Feeling the spin? The final OPENING of the Fifth Point of the Metronian Star is NOW as Mercury is FULL ON with the Retrograde experience you will be talking about all year!
HUGE momentum is pouring forth to support you ...IF you embrace the truth of the light that you are! Tune in as Sri & Kira share how you can FEARLESSLY walk as the divine master in form to live your most incredible life. Are you ready?
Running on Fumes ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb
On Monday I work up sick, and spent the first day walking around in amazement. I never get sick so I don't know what to do. If I have a headache or a sprained ankle, I forget to take aspirin.
The second day I asked someone what you do when you get sick. They said 'rest,' a novel idea since I'd usually power through it.
The third day I drank ginger tea, which helped, and was tremendously productive. Yesterday I was 100% better, but today I'm drinking ginger tea again.
Sri and Kira Live with sri ram kaa and kira raa
Arise into the New Earth!
The Seven-year ascension portal has opened and on April 04 the Full Moon Lunar eclipse created the sacred “anchoring” to assist humanity. Tune in as Sri & Kira share about these events and then, sit back, relax and enjoy a very Special experience of the FULL AUDIO of the March 20 Ascension Activation Insoulment!
This powerful Birthing discourse will assist you far beyond the words…simply relax into the energy as you to expand your vision and fly with the angels!
Barbara Lamb and Alexandra Meadors review the fascinating subject of crop circles and how they are created. Barbara is a master researcher of these gifts to the world, sharing everything from their energies, shapes, and messages to the world. Having visited some 1300 crop circles around the world, Barbara provides an enlightening assessment of what these crop circles involve and how even the "human" hoaxers who make crop circles provide a service to us all!
with sri ram kaa and kira raa
The Eclectic Visionary Show with Judianne Cannizzaro & Judy Colantuono
Debut #1 Show on BBS Radio
The Power of Manifestation, Kundalini Energy, and the Great Serpent Mound
The next topic of discussion on Quantum Mindfulness Radio will be on the Alchemic Nature of Intention, Energy, and The Great Serpent Mound of Adams County, Ohio where this inspiring online radio talk show will be uncovering the relationship between The Great Serpent Mound and its spiritual alignment with Sacred Geometry, other sacred ancient sights across the planet, Quantum Theory, Miracles in Manifestation, The Christ Consciousness Grid of Mother Gaia, and in the three
Institute of Energy Based Health’s mission is to provide personal empowerment services to individuals and groups interested in exploring and attaining higher levels of health, transformation and self-exploration. As each of us collectively makes up the whole, we believe living from this higher level increases the conscious evolution of our society. We believe learning to lead our own nervous system increase the value of a peaceful inner realm. Inner peace enables our ability to make conscious choices that honor others and ourselves.