Lets Find Out with Elizabeth Joyce
The Transformation Coming After March 2025 - A teaching show
In 2025
Watch everything negative melt - disappear - fall away
Begin working with, the NEW Spiritual Chakras
Light Codes are coming thru - more than in 12,000 years.
We are all connected to whatever is happening in the Universe!
Messages to flow with the changing energies of 2025 How do we go ahead to the Future?
It all gets lighter as we begin the new era.
We have completed a cycle Welcome to the New Era
Music Credits:
Alexandra Meadors interviews Jeffery Godfrey, (corrected my name spelling) an amazing healer with over three decades in Bhakti Yoga, Reiki training and VortexHealing.
Join Alexandra Meadors, Jerry Yusko, and James Hines round table discussion regarding the increased efforts of the dark forces and how they cunningly infuse themselves into our fields. Alexandra shares some of her personal experiences of the recent server take down and how this was imposed upon GalacticGonnection.com. They discuss how the higher energies are impacting all of us through more intense encounters and psychic attack and how we can help ourselves transition through this shift.
with sri ram kaa and kira raa
with sri ram kaa and kira raa
Humanity and the Crown Chakra…What does this mean?
Planet Earth will “crown” herself in May as the planetary Chakra Vastu brings us to the crown. What does this mean and why do we want to know? Sri & Kira share extensive “secrets” about the crown chakra and how you can tune into the vast energies that are supporting those who choose to connect…right now!
October 10, 2010, Elizabeth Joyce teaches the new spontaneous healing techniques. She will discuss the various dimension levels, spinning the chakras, and uplifting your vibration to become one with the Universe, while staying energetic and healthy. In order to survive these new energies, you need to be aware and continually work with your Spiritual growth and vibration levels. Elizabeth explains exactly how to achieve this on a daily basis. This is information so very important to your Soul growth! Don't miss out on this class.
In human consciousness, there is a rising frequency vibrating toward an endless range of possibilities. After more than 20,000 intuitive sessions with my beloved community of beings, seen and unseen, I am thrilled to see signs of the evolution of the collective consciousness. We have heard or read that times will come when we will all look after one another, and cure and nurture our world. This new world could be a world in which many know ourselves. A world where there is less defensive hoarding, less competition and more respect for the whole creation. A world that is loving.
The Debut show of Serenity -A service for your well being with Peggy Nichols on BBS Radio!
The Lightship offers The Purification Process and Divine DNA Activations for Ascension for those preparing for their Ascension. These sessions are for those who are preparing for their Ascension. The Lightship's Divine Light Beings offer assistance to us through their Body~Mind~Spirit Healing Sessions.
A Divine Being from the Creation Lightship incarnated to Earth 2000 years ago, known to us as Ascended Master Jesus. He came to humanity offering them the Lightships' Ascension teachings and healings.