Alexandra Meadors and Scott Wolter review forensic evidence to connect the dots between Christ bloodline, the Knights Templar, the pirates of the high seas and ancient Egyptian history. You do not want to miss this interview because he ends up dropping a knowledge bomb regarding the true connections to Christ's bloodline!
Alexandra Meadors and Dannion Brinkley discuss his Near Death experiences and how this has fired him up to heal one of the most important issues that every one of us must face; how we pass from this reality to another when it is our time.
To quote a mom and writer, Maxine Spence, conversations about death can be some of the most nourishing, life-enhancing discussions we have, but death is rarely talked about until a health crisis arrives and, often, not even then. Our birth is pure chance, but our death an absolute certainty. Please join me and Phil Carpenter from Washington D.C. Home and Hospices and listen to us let’s talk about it tomorrow on Social Work Today with Shirley Tabb at!
The Debut of Signs of Life with Bob and Phran Ginsberg on BBS Radio!
MEDIUMS - What are the attributes of a good medium? How does one select the right Medium?
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about transcending death. What is death, experienced from heart space and Unified Consciousness? How you can be Conscious and hold sacred space during the dying process. Joan and Janet share their experiences with helping their respective parents have "a good death".
Death - an experience all of us will have. Can it be de-mystified and understood? Echo has had personal experiences that she will talk about and we'll learn about her perceptions of the other side of this experience of life.
Have you ever questioned what happens when you cross over? Do you have loved ones that you'd like to get a message to? Join me as my guest Bestselling author Carole J. Obley and I discuss her book "Soul to Soul Connections" and so much more. She is known as a bridge between Heaven and Earth, and has done over 7000 readings. Through the attunement to your soul, Carole is able to channel messages and information regarding current, past, and future situations in your life! Don't miss this amazing opportunity!