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Guest Penny Kelly is a noted expert on consciousness research.  Tonight, we began by talking about "the end times", which she defines in a non-linear manner.  Subjects included the technology of Crop Circles, Plasma energy, the Deep State, and we were ending on Orbs when Skype dropped!  This was such an interesting show, that I've invited her back to share more of her decades of knowledge and wisdom.  Enjoy!

Alexandra hosts Dr. Simeon Hein in this fascinating and far-ranging interview.

Simeon is a sociologist by training, but has transcended his academic training by extended research into a plethora of paranormal phenomena, especially remote viewing and crop circles. Simeon offers a variety of courses in remote viewing, which he has studied and practiced for 20 years, and offers crop circle tours in England for small groups. Links to these will be provided below.

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and guest Dr Horace R Drew (Red Collie)

Topic: Science behind the crop circles.

The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and Tracie Mahan

The Metaphysical Hour with Dolores Cannon and guest Lucy Pringle on Crop Circles

Patty Greer, award winning Crop Circle Documentary filmmaker, returns to talk about her work, and the Shift of Times we're in.  She offers practical solutions to some of the challenges facing us today.

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst and guest, David Boyle

Barbara Lamb and Alexandra Meadors review the fascinating subject of crop circles and how they are created. Barbara is a master researcher of these gifts to the world, sharing everything from their energies, shapes, and messages to the world. Having visited some 1300 crop circles around the world, Barbara provides an enlightening assessment of what these crop circles involve and how even the "human" hoaxers who make crop circles provide a service to us all!

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst and special guest George Smith from Scotland - Topic: Crop Circles

Tonight is the night with my friend and amazing guest: George Smith from Turriff, Scotland. He has had several encounters with the Star brothers and -sisters. They have given him wisdom teachings to share with humanity as well as free energy technologies. They have, in several occasions saved George from dangerous situations. He is a true friend and beautiful human being.

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst and special guest Pierre Beake. Topics include Crop Circles.