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Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Today we discuss bringing forth the courage and vulnerability to understand our strengths while transcending our fears, failures, and limitations.


Do you think that everybody possesses courage, or is it only in a few brave hearts? I've found that only those that can be vulnerable can express courage.

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Today we discuss how to free yourself from the personal prisons that are disempowering you.


Freedom – we all want it, right? In fact, we live in a nation that prides itself on being free. But are you really free, or are you a prisoner of your own thoughts, fears, and doubts?

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Today we discuss doing inner work in order to break down the barriers within ourselves and master the secrets of manifesting true love.


Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Today we discuss letting go of our old programming and disempowering beliefs to become fearless in business and in life.


Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Today we discuss tuning into our intuitive wisdom, awakening our true magnificence, and mastering the quantum being that we are.


Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Today we discuss taming our monkey mind in order to have a healthy relationship with ourselves and others and live a joyful life.


Our mind is the source of our problems, but it is also the doorway to our freedom. If we want to change anything, we first have to get to the cause of what’s creating different problems in our lives. The issue is, we rarely ever look hard enough to discover that our thinking is generally the root of our problems.

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Today we discuss obesity, weight loss without dieting, and seeing beyond the scale.


The adult obesity rate in the U.S. is at or above 35% in seven different states, and at least 30% in 29 states. Are we digging our graves with our mouths? What’s happening here?

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Today we discuss creating the life of your dreams.


Is it possible that you might be preventing yourself from achieving success through your limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging habits? Today we're going to help you move whatever it is that's standing in your way so that you can actually live the life you've been dreaming of.

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Today we discuss breaking free from fears, reclaiming our power, and transforming our lives for the better.


Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Today we discuss the courage and strategies needed to have connected conversations and effective communication.