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The UFO Report with Michael Horn

The UFO Report with Michael Horn

Debut Show

Topic: Introduction to The UFO Report

with Ted Mahr

The guests were Billie and Zorra of the Hollow Earth from 12 noon to 1:30 pm Pacific Time, and Tom Paladino (Scalar Energy Healer) from 1:30 pm to 2 pm Pacific Time. 

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests James Armstrong and then Helen Galvin

First Hour Guest: James Armstrong from Canada with messages from Adama in the Hollow Earth / Telos

Second Hour Guest: Helen Galvin from Ireland, a contactee (spirits and fairies)

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests Stan Shikuma, Elena Danaan and then Q

First Hour Guests: Stan Shikuma and then Elena Danaan

Second Hour Guest: Q, the Letter before 'R'

The Victory of The Light Radio Show with Robert Potter

The Victory of The Light Radio Show with Robert Potter with last hour guest Raymond Keller

YouTube Video Link:

The Victory of The Light Radio Show with Robert Potter

The Victory of The Light Radio Show with Robert Potter

YouTube Video Link:

In this fascinating and wide-ranging interview, Tolec and Alexandra share their perspectives on many earthly and galactic matters of pressing importance.

The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and Tracie Mahan

The Metaphysical Hour hosted by Dolores Cannon with guest Paola Harris

Station 1 - Fridays 5:00 - 6:00 PM (PST) 8:00 - 9:00 PM (EST)

on BBS Radio

Date: February 8, 2008

Guest Paola Harris - journalist & UFO conference organizer

    * Intro - Dolores's latest book - the 3rd volume of Convoluted Universe is off the press (700 pages).

    * Guest introduction Paola Harris - journalist & UFO conference organizer in Laughlin, Nevada, USA.

James Gilliland continues his interviews from Australia with special co-host Peter Maxwell Slattery.  In this episode they interview Seth Levine -  a UFO experiencer and contactee.  Seth has had many interactions with otherworldly beings including Arcturians, Pleiadians, Orions, Andromedans and Syrians. From E.T's, to Ascended Masters, to sightings of crafts, he has had a wide range of experiences.