Nicolya Christi is the founder of the New Consciousness Academy, Cofounder of WorldShift International, and author of 2012: A Clarion Call, She lives in Rennes-le-Chateau, Southern France.
We'll be chatting about the first fully written account of the First Nations Peoples' oral wisdom teachings for evolving consciousness and much more. The New Year is soon to breakthrough and this is a great way to move into 2014. Join us.
The Debut of The Voice of the Ashtar Command with Commander Lady Athena Sheran - Show #1 on BBS Radio!
In human consciousness, there is a rising frequency vibrating toward an endless range of possibilities. After more than 20,000 intuitive sessions with my beloved community of beings, seen and unseen, I am thrilled to see signs of the evolution of the collective consciousness. We have heard or read that times will come when we will all look after one another, and cure and nurture our world. This new world could be a world in which many know ourselves. A world where there is less defensive hoarding, less competition and more respect for the whole creation. A world that is loving.
The Debut of Paradigm Shifters talk show with Veronica Entwistle on BBS Radio!
Eva Herr interview with the late great Dr. Abram Hoffer
If you are looking for reliable information to help you make intelligent decisions about your health... LOOK NO MORE! Eva Herr's interview skills produce more useful information in one hour than many books. She does her homework and she knows her topics! Her interviews are like health/science depositions. She finds the facts!
The Debut show of Serenity -A service for your well being with Peggy Nichols on BBS Radio!
Dee Wallace is a rarity in Hollywood, a young actress who immediately found success and is still in demand three decades later as an accomplished veteran in her craft, with such major credits as ET: The Extraterrestrial and Cujo along the way.
The Debut Show of Evolve 2b on BBS Radio!
We open our energy bodies to the high vibrational frequencies and shift our consciousness. This shift in consciousness allows us to become a multidimensional being and we can start to live from the heart.
Sound Healing is an effective and proven modality. Sound is a type of energy medicine that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep sense of peace, well being and better health. Through the current flourishing of research in the field, today the ancient art of sound healing is rapidly developing into a new and honored science. Today my guest are Regina Murphy and Richard Plunkett from The secrets of sound therapy will be discussing the benefits of this therapy and how it works.
How do we clear those mis-creations that no longer serve our best and highest good? How do we transmute the fear-based, fragmented consciousness that has dominated and manipulated us for lifetimes? With the gift that Father-Mother God has gifted us, The Violet Flame. Today I will share the Violet Flame with you and together we will transmute what no longer serves, so that you can embrace this shift!