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Breaking News Release: Tuesday, August 25, 2020

COVID restrictions and mandatory vaccinations are outlawed and nullified by Common Law Assembly; Citizens are encouraged to resist police state measures as officials are threatened with fines and imprisonment    

Parksville, British Columbia (Republic News Service)

Your Republic of Kanata Delegates in the Federal Election


Breaking from the System

A re-broadcast of October 04, 2015 podcast Titled: The Global Agenda and Pope Bergoglio

Common Law, Radio Free Kanata and The Pennsylvania Putsch – An Appeal
The Oyster World
 January 7, 2017  
 Volume IV, #47  
by William S. Annett  
Common Law, Radio Free Kanata and The Pennsylvania Putsch – An Appeal
The Oyster World
 January 7, 2017  
 Volume IV, #47  
by William S. Annett  

Why and How we must overturn our fallen culture: A Reminder from Maisie Shaw

Alexandra Meadors and Laura Legere discuss Laura’s involvement with the National Liberty Alliance and the Common Law Grand Juries, which essentially are the Fourth Level of Government that sits at the top of the Grand Juries. They also put out a call for volunteers who want to assist by contacting them via

Alexandra Meadors and Winston Shrout share an interview hunkering down on the topic of commerce through a metaphysical perspective.

Alexandra Meadors and Winston Shrout share an interview hunkering down on the topic of commerce through a metaphysical perspective.

Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett and special guests, Ryan Gable and Lori O'Rorke