The War Report on Public Education Dr. James Avington Miller Jr.
Special guests Dr. Victoria M. Young, Dr. Jesse "The Walking Man" Turner, Robert Schaeffer, and Jeanette Brunelle Deutermann
Inside the pending ESEA (Elementary Secondary Education Act) - THE TROJAN HORSE THAT THREATENS PUBLIC EDUCATION. A deep look inside the pending ESEA (Elementary Secondary Education Act) - listen and learn how the ESEA is the Trojan Horse that will threaten public education, teachers, students, parents, local communities, and even the entire resistance movement, especially the Opt Out revolt.Joining Dr. Miller will be Dr. Victoria M. Young - author of The Crucial Voice of the People, Past and Present: Education's Missing Ingredient.
'Heal Our Schools; Hear Our Teachers' a documentary researched, written and directed by Laurie Gabriel, is being produced with the mission of uncovering and solving the real problems of public education in America.
VIVA LA RESISTANCE: Dr. Jesse Turner and his friends on the meaning/message of walking to Washington, D.C. The resistance to the privatization of education is alive, well and growing, and the resistance is coming to D.C. this summer 2015. We will NOT let our schools be ruined, our teachers demoralized, our children preyed upon and our democracy destroyed. WE WILL RESIST!!!!
Sunday, May 31 at 2pm PST on Station 1 - join host Dr. James Avington Miller Jr. on The War Report on Public Education Radio show featuring special guests Dr. Lori Martin and Dr. Mark Naison. The conversation will be about whether the Wal-Martization (privatization) of our schools is a clear and present danger to public education and schools in America.
A Conversation with Dr. Victoria M. Young - A Calling to Parents and Public - Where Art Thou in the War on Public Education?
Some of the critical topics covered on the show will be:
- Do America's citizens understand that public policies have resulted in severely unequal and inadequate education particularly for disadvantaged children?
- Do the American people genuinely believe in providing equal educational opportunity for our millions of children in low performing schools?
The War Report on Public Education - A Conversation with Nancy E. Bailey
The War Report on Public Education hosted by Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. with special guest Dr. Jesse "The Walking Man" Turner, Christine Zirkelback, Loy Gross and Deborah Abramson
The War Report on Public Education hosted by Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. with special guest Dr. Jesse "The Walking Man" Turner
The War Report on Public Education hosted by Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. with special guest Kevin Glynn, Anna Shah, Lisa Rudley and Jeanette Deutermann