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Guest Name
Dr Victoria M Young
Dr Victoria M. Young
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Education Advocate/Activist, Author, Parent, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Guest Biography

Victoria M. Young is a mother of two, a doctor of veterinary medicine, and a long-time advocate for public schools. She is a parent who spent 20 years of service in classrooms, on school committees, and in her community devoting a large part of her life to fighting for quality public education for ALL children. She has organized fundraisers and efforts to save our schools through policies and practices.

In her own voice . . . “As a long-time advocate and activist for better education for the children of my own impoverished community, my objective now is to help people understand the need for each of us to become a force in pushing for excellence and equality within the institution we call the public education system.

Regrettably, many people do not grasp the concept of equality in educational opportunity thus making it impossible to explain the “what” and “how” of real education “reform” in America. But that is what I continue to try and do.

Educating my community about education, establishing better communications of ideas and results, promoting science education, and assisting in developing a plan for my schools to improve was where I began. In the process, I learned first-hand about the pitfalls and failures that others before me had also experienced. To say there have been no mistakes would be to deny a chance to learn.

I became a writer not to write a book, but to help demystify the failures of education reform in hopes of preventing those same mistakes in the future.

I know of no other book that brings forth the forgotten piece of educational history that led to our first national law aimed at providing equal educational opportunity. Please read 'The Crucial Voice of the People, Past and Present: Education's Missing Ingredient, 2nd edition'.”

Her book 'The Crucial Voice of the People, Past and Present: Education's Missing Ingredient' is a call to action for America's citizens to stop being passive and take back our public education and schools.

'The Crucial Voice' explains the most commonly heard complaints from the public about their schools and puts them in the context of solutions. It is based on the premise that we have the answers to what ails public schools but we fail to understand how politics and policies have adversely affected classroom practices. Hear what voices from the past and present have to offer in the way of alternative solutions that have withstood the test of time and scrutiny of research.

Young presents important insights into what can be done to “fix” America’s public education system. Her research and observations are eye opening and provide all readers with a galvanizing focus on what needs to be done and how to get there. But most importantly, the book energizes parents with new ideas and tools to improve the schools in their own communities. ‘The Crucial Voice of the People, Past and Present’ is a call to the public education system to openly listen and to communities to make their voices heard.



Dr James Miller

22 May 2015

Join us for: A Conversation with Dr. Victoria M. Young: A Calling to Parents and Public - Where Art Thou in the War on Public Education?

Some of the critical topics covered on the show will be:

- Do America's citizens understand that public policies have resulted in severely unequal and inadequate education particularly for disadvantaged children?

- Do the American people genuinely believe in providing equal educational opportunity for our millions of children in low performing schools?

- What will it take to profoundly redirect America's fundamental flawed and destructive "test and sanctions" law and policies so that schools improve and provide ALL our children a good education?