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Getting To Know Your Bible with Dr. Billy Lambert

Getting To Know Your Bible (GTKYB) with Billy Lambert

Christ And The Home - Ep1468

Tony Alamo

World Pastor Tony Alamo - Program 756

The Nicolaitans are the ones that are persecuting the churches your judges, your prosecutors attorneys, your city fathers that impose more rules and regulations on the people of the Lord than they do on anyone else. They hate the deeds of these people that are attempting to make it look like Jesus never really rose from the grave. They say that Christ hasn't risen and that is such false doctrine to cause peoples souls to not believe the Bible.

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Jay Matta

Ep. #334: To HELL and Back

Guest: Michelle Anna-Marie Santana

Join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca as they discuss Christ and Christ Consciousness from the perspective of A Course in Miracles. What is Christ? What are the qualities of Christ and Christ Consciousness? How does Christ and Christ Consciousness play a role in metaphysics? The podcast also includes a meditation at the beginning which takes you on a beautiful journey to connect with Christ/Christ Consciousness.

When I go through my Facebook feed, I see loads of people sharing pretty pictures with quotes about how the world is just a dream and how we all need to move out of duality consciousness.

Lovely, right?

So, if all these “awakened” people truly believe what they share, why aren’t they attending Satsang or working with a spiritual guide?

Of Course Radio with Scott Krajca & Sheldon.

Show #2 : Listen in as Sheldon and Scott discuss how to apply A Course in Miracles in the workplace and how you can experience miracles everyday! Learn to live at work in more peace and with increased happiness! Sheldon and Scott share real and practicle examples for you to take into your own lives.


Of Course Radio with Scott Krajca and Sheldon Jo

Debut program on BBS Radio

Centering around A Course in Miracles.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's session begins with Shusara revisiting last weeks topic of third party communication and answering a listeners question concerning it. She also addresses how little verbal communication is actually necessary in our lives and asks us to become more aware of how we use our words. Then Shusara reads about Pope Francis and his address following the Third Vatican Council in December and makes a point of how he is speaking from the level of The Christ to all of us.

The True Testament introduces you to "Simon Peter's True Testament", a book that tells the true story of who Jesus was and what he actually taught, much of which has been distorted or left out of the New Testament. There are shocking revelations, and wonderful, liberating truths. Prepare to be amazed! And relieved! And made free from the false teaching of original sin, and released from the fear of death. The book, "Simon Peter's True Testament", will change your life.

The True Testament introduces you to "Simon Peter's True Testament", a book that tells the true story of who Jesus was and what he actually taught, much of which has been distorted or left out of the New Testament. There are shocking revelations, and wonderful, liberating truths. Prepare to be amazed! And relieved! And made free from the false teaching of original sin, and released from the fear of death. The book, "Simon Peter's True Testament", will change your life.