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Guest Name
Melba Hernandez
Melba Hernandez
Guest Occupation
Advocate, Teacher, Clergy Member, Educator
Guest Biography

Melba is a special lady who is loved by her family and countless people in her life and church (Cross City Church - Dallas, Texas) today.
From University graduation, to IMF Journeyman work in mass- media radio offices and churches in Mexico City, to church work in Indiana and back to Texas, *Melba has always sought God to be “in tune” with His purpose for her life! 
With a deep love for God and her country, she has also worked with children and family ministries and understands these needs in our nation today! 

Quote from Melba, “I want to thank you for the opportunity to share how God can use all of us regardless of our age, to serve him, to be obedient and to be available to listen to those who need some listening ears.”