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Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Universal Soul Love Interview with Author Michael Tellinger

Dr Lana Love and Det David Love visit South Africa and interview Michael Tellinger author of Slave Species of the Gods and founder of the Ubuntu Movement.  Ubuntu means “humanity” or “community”.  Michael discusses the benefits of “contributionism”.   Michael explains the virtue of replacing our money-based system of exchange to one where members of a society place value on contributing their time and talent to their community.

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Det David and Dr Lana Love, and psychic medium Jacqueline Boyd, talk about the origins of humanity and spirit communication.

Joseph 'Five Eagles' Reyna is the author of Incredulous, a tale connecting the dots between the life of Jesus, Judas Iscariot, the Cathars, Templars, Earth's tumultuous galactic history and the high tech of 'black goo' and 'Blue Apples'. Incredulous has been called a "prequel to The Da Vinci Code," but goes far beyond Dan Brown in its revelations and in the galactic and epochal scale of its historical content.

Timothy J Glenn returns with some surprising updates for 2016!  During this show, he talks about Nemesis, also known as Niburu or Wormwood, and 2016 being the defining year for earth and humanity...with a chuckle or two!  He mentions Robert Sutton Harrington's video in which he talks with Sitchin called "Are We Alone"?  and mentions the Bob Dean 2008 Niburu interview with Kerry Cassidy.  We return to the vast nature of the "Cosmic Matrix", run by A.I., and "where did the Annunaki go?"  This is one show not to miss!

Jay Essex and Alexandra Meadors interview Part 2! This covers a mixture of topics about our matrix and the differences between the dimensions. Jay shares some interesting perspectives on the angelic realm, ascended masters, and galactic brothers and sisters, really defining the differences between them and us. Again, there is just too much to list but you should get a chuckle out of some of our time together.

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.

You will so enjoy this interview between Jay Essex and Alexandra Meadors reviewing the world we live in and the new world we will transition into!