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As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland. Laura Eisenhower & James discuss the latest about what spirituality "traps" to avoid, and the major global shifts in energy/emotions.

Fed up with all the B.S. about the Cabal, they state that, "If I hear/read another blog/email about the Elites having surrendered, and the monetary reset has taken place, all you have to do is to look up at the skies, and notice how 'they' haven't stopped the spraying of poisonous chemtrails. They must have missed the memo!"

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This Episode was all about 'Reality Creation' with information from Pleiadians, Merlin the Magician, Kirk Nielson and personal experience. Also included 'The Ultimate Truths of Reality'. 

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland. Tonight's show covers serious topics in a humorous way with guest Steve Bhaerman an internationally known author, humorist, and workshop leader. For more than 25 years, he has written and performed as Swami Beyondananda, the "Cosmic Comic." Swami's comedy has been described both as "comedy disguised as wisdom" and "wisdom disguised as comedy." Noted author Marianne Williamson called him “The Mark Twain of our generation.”

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest Reinerio Hernandez

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

​James interviews award winning journalist & UFO researcher Jim Marrs.

Topics of discussion include Jim's latest book, "Population Control: how Corporate owners are killing us." And Jim's latest UFO research. 

Jim will also be a Keynote speaker at ECETI 2016.

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest Laura Magdalene Eisenhower

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland taking caller questions

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This Episode was about 'The Field of Thought' and the 'Root Cause of Disease'. It also included strategies and specific techniques for adapting to these transformational years on planet Earth. 

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest Robin Maxwell