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Planetary MakeOver Show with David Mynott II

Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II

Freedom Through Self-Awareness, Application of Maitreya's Teachings in Daily Life with Mike Nolley

David Mynott II interviews Mike Nolley, a student of the ageless wisdom and jazz pianist, on applying in daily life the  principles 'honesty of mind, sincerity of spirit, and detachment' as described in Benjamin Creme's book, Maitreya's Teachings: The Laws of Life.

Spiritual Activist with Rahasya Uncensored

Spiritual Activist with Rahasya Uncensored

Title: Mass Formation Psychosis

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg

Joe Perreta hosting Mediums & Messages on Signs of Life talk radio.

Interviewing certified guest medium Connie Fusellal,

Thursday, April 21st

8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)

Host: #FFFCertifiedMedium Joe Perreta

Guest:#FFFCertifiedMedium Connie Fusella 

Reclaiming Authenticity with Dr James Houck

Reclaiming Authenticity with Dr James Houck

Title: Is Ignorance Blissful?

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free, Terry Brown and Friends

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free, Terry Brown and Friends

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests Dr. Michelle Peal, ND and Leon McLaughlin, Clean Water Foundation

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

3 pm to 3:30 pm:  Free Remedies for Shedding and the shots

3:30 pm to 5 pm:  Messages from Mermaids and Mermen

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guest Mary Rodwell

10 am to 10:30 am: Mt. Shasta and Sedona (Ted)

10:30 am to 11 am: Lockdown in Shanghai with Dr. Bryan Artis

Shanghai, Protests, Looting, Pets being killed, Mass Suicides, Starvation, Lockdowns.

Fauci Declares “You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated”

11 am to 12 noon: Mary Rodwell (Famous UFO Contactee and researcher from Australia,


The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free

The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free