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Shaman, Artist, Field Associate, Audio and Video Producer, Educator, Columnist
Dream Teacher, Active Dreaming Creator, Dream Expert, Shaman, NDE Experiencer, Speaker, Teacher, Lecturer, Novelist, Journalist, Scholar, Visionary, Healer, Workshop Facilitator
Shaman, Healer, NDE Experiencer, Channel, Yew Communicator, Wisdom Keeper, Writer, Journalist, Sacred Yew Institute Founder, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Lecturer, Workshop Facilitator, Teacher
Tatanka Wanagi Wichasta, Buffalo Spirit Man, Healer, Shaman, Therapist, Energy Psychologist, Spiritualist, Teacher, Coach, Mind-Body Connector
Alternative Therapist, Biodyanmic Psychotherapist, Clinical Aromatherapist, Shamanic Healer, Musician, Teacher, Spiritualist, Coach, Mind-Body Connector
Maker of Beauty, Santuary Creator, Spiritualist, Love Motivator, Oneness Expressionist
Cedar Mountain Drums Founder, Gestalt Therapist, Stockbroker, Fund-Raiser, Consultant, Therapist, Drum Circle Leader, Drum Maker, Workshop Facilitator
Author, Jounalist, Cross Cultural Healer, Regenerative Healing Researcher, Lecturer, Novelist

SELF-MASTERY, POWER, & JOY, these are the topics Caroline will discuss today. Self-mastery is important for all people who want to evolve into better people, but it is especially important for a Shaman. It is imperative in doing Shamanic Journey Work that the Shaman be able to get their mind, their ego, and their Self out of the way so that they are truly a hollow reed open to receive what the spirits are showing them without imposing their viewpoint, perspective, or rationalization on it.

LUISA KOLKER is a licensed psychotherapist and Shamanic healer living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Although born in the United States, she comes from a long line of Central American doctors, psychiatrists, and curanderos. She has a B.A. in humanities from Hampshire College in Amherst, MA, and a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from Southwestern College in Santa Fe, NM. She was apprentice to Ioanna Salazan, author of Zen Comics, for four years in Spain.