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with sri ram kaa and kira raa

Spiritual life or Not…time to come out

What happens when we simply live our truth and honor ourselves as we do?

The simple answer is nothing short of miracles! This first show of the enlightening series on the inward journey will dive into the gift of living the spiritual experience without hesitation.

How does the world of crystals and other energetics of our planet support this journey and how can someone feel safe enough to move forward without fear?


Trailblazer and Mystic-Visionary

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest Annmarie "Zhati" Agosta, Sufi dervish of the Nur Ashki Jerrahi Sufi Order, and primary psychotherapist and owner of Authenticity Psychotherapy

Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio and special guest Dan McDonald

the “LifeRegenerator”, Certified Detoxification Specialist, Plant Nutrition Expert

A depiction of our mission for the light at Enki's Temple, otherwise known as Great Zimbabwe, and the interpretation through the eyes of the Sabian symbols and astrology, thanks to Laura Walker of The Oracle Report.

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode centered around the idea that you need to be a frequency match for what you experience as your outer reality. 

Stewart Swerdlow created a ground breaking program tonight with revelations about what's really happening on Planet Earth and beyond.  We discussed the Montauk Project, Alien Agendas, the Illuminati agenda and various forms of mind control.  This is a show not to be missed!  Be sure to check out Stewart's website for the upcoming Montauk Chronicles and the seminar in October:  "Everything Oversoul and the Alien Agenda".