The debut show of, School of Human Potential with Allen Vaysberg, on BBS Radio! Today's guest: Kimberly Seltzer
Your Poultry news source - informative and highly entertaining. If you want to know how a chicken thinks, stop talking to the turkeys and listen to the Chicken Whisperer. He will rile your feathers while tending your flock, all the while hypnotizing your chickens and garnishing your plate.
with Joe Barber the Florida Chicken Whisperer
Goddess Alchemy and Divine Magic with Charlotte Szivak and Travel Guru Peta Panos, on BBS Radio!
Health Disclosure - Sequence to Obesity and Disease with Adam Masters on BBS Radio!
This episode enhances the main idea of how ET information expands Yogic knowledge. It includes some Earth History, updated news of First Contact, high points of Seth material, Bashar's Big 4, how to change a belief, and includes Pleiadian 'Spinning Technique' along with the 'XYZ' meditation.