My upcoming guest on Cosmic LOVE, David Christopher Lewis, published a book last month called 'Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy'.
We'll be discussing keynotes for initiating the Aquarian Dispensation in context of the holy spirit of LOVE-in-action (violet flame) for heartstreaming global transformation with heart coherence, i.e., the Power of Love.
Stargate Round Table
2nd Hour interview with David Hulse, C.M.S.T.T. with
ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst and special guest Ron Head
Reach For It Radio Show with Christina Calisto Winslow and special guest Ted Winslow
From Shelter Dog to Service Dog with Janice Wolfe
Tonight's session centered around a reminder of some of the SCSA teachings and an explanation by Shusara of how to walk those teachings out into the world. Also one of our listeners called in to ask a question about how energy becomes disqulaified and its relation to the chakras. Shusara encouraged everyone to take the teachings that she gives on air and begin applying them in their lives. It's all about the application.