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Affirmations For Living The most we know about astrology or horoscopes has been what we’ve read in the newspaper or had delivered to our email but how accurate are they? In truth astrology can be traced back to the 1st century BC with two varieties of astrology in existence, one that required the reading of horoscopes in order to establish precise details about the past, present and future; the other being theurgic (literally meaning 'god-work'), which emphasised the soul's ascent to the stars.

Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio with special guests Wendy Myers and musical guest Michael Penrose

Is it possible to have Healthy Holidays…Eating Smart While Giving Thanks….?  Hear our guest Wendy Myers, Certified Holistic Health Coach, share her thoughts, as well as her Spoken Word Poet Michael Penrose, live in the studio.

another evening at home with the Striders

 Please join us again for our radio show, "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" 7 PM (PST) Tuesday night at another evening at home with the Striders.

Founder of, Writer, Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach, Entrepreneur, Hair Mineral Analysis Certified, Author

Admirable Friends with Buddy and Carol Fichera (and guest ALEX)

Ignorance & Discernment

Join us this Tuesday Evening at 7pm Central Time

The subject is MAKING GOOD CHOICES... 

1-WHAT are some of the GOOD CHOICES you've made in your life?
2-HOW do you decide what a good choice is?
3-WHAT choices were NOT SO GOOD in your life. WHAT did you LEARN?


Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Universal Soul Love with Dr. Lana Love and David Love

The Eclectic Visionary Show with Judianne Cannizzaro & Judy Colantuono

The Sixth Sense with Tara Ventura and special guest Roberta Grimes

Sun of God University with The Hosts on BBS Radio!