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Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's session began with Shusara speaking briefly about the Rays of Light and the impact it has on humanity when you balance the Chakras and eminate pure, divine Light. Then TIm posed a question concerning expressing anger and fears around the expression being "bad." This led into a conversation about the mind's projected fears which keep it from looking deeper and confronting it's pain. Shusara showed how our fears are unfounded and illustrated this with examples.Tim shared more about his own recent experiences related to this topic.

DR KEVIN BARRETT speaks about the bigotry he has experienced during his career teaching Islam at University and as a Muslim who has witnessed what transpired after 9-11, mainly the deliberate targetting of Muslims in the USA as well as overseas.  Dr. Barrett also discusses American Sniper and the Charlie Hebdo killings.

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Universal Soul Love with Dr. Lana Love and David Love, and special guest, Rev. Marcus Christian Lisle

The Royal Priesthood Nation with Aladyah Hanon, Caliph Zaphnathpaaneah EL and Dr Asar Hapi

The Royal Priesthood Nation with Aladyah Hanon, Caliph Zaphnathpaaneah EL and Dr Asar Hapi