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The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis

Mr. Gerald O'Donnell holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics, a M.Sc. in computer Science, and an MBA. He is a certified Hypnotherapist. He was, amongst other activities in various fields, once considered one of the world's 7 best top technical commodities experts (independent advisor: C.T.A.) by Paine Webber and Bache Co..

He was approached in the 1980's by a Western European intelligence agency in order to join an ongoing program of mental Remote Viewing (sensing) of targeted locations.

Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett and special guests, Ryan Gable and Lori O'Rorke

The War Report on Public Education - A Conversation with Nancy E. Bailey

Paradigm Shifters interview with John Herlosky

The Galactic Roundtable with Elizabeth Trutwin

Michael Tellinger and James Gilliland discuss the challenges of setting up an intentional community and the necessity to begin building foundations for the new Society we wish to see emerge from the ashes as the old system breaks down.  Michael goes into the oncept of UBUNTU - Contributionism.  Michael will be conducting a weekend workshop at ECETI June 12-14, 2015. 

The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis and special guest Gerald O'Donnell