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Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell & Julie Hayden and guest Casper Stockham

Fake “bombshells” like the Atlantic Report on Trump and the military are not just journalism at its worst, it’s a sign of desperation by Democrats.  

We’ll talk about it today with Chuck and Julie.  Plus Colorado CD7 GOP candidate Casper Stockham previous a big event coming up.

YouTube Video Link:

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell & Julie Hayden and guests Patrick Neville and Jocelyn Kessler

In a stunning act of bias and hypocrisy, unelected bureaucrats sue Bandimere Speedway over a peaceful anti mask protest while allowing progressive riots and looters a free rein.  

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell & Julie Hayden and guest Casper Stockham

Thousands of Coloradans showed up at a Stop the Covid Chaos protest at Bandimere Speedway… a true peaceful protest against unlawful lockdowns and mask mandates.

Chuck and Julie were there and share the experience on today’s show and we'll also have Casper Stockham with us.

YouTube Video Link:

Expert in organizational design and change
Adama Speaks with Adama Alaji

Adama Speaks with Adama Alaji

Segment 1: August 07, 2020 Part 1

Segment 2: August 07, 2020 Part 2

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael Brown and Maria Sanchez

Guests, Micah Spangler and Judy Gowen

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Rev. Kevin Annett and guests Dena Churchill and Mike Holt

Topic: How to Launch and Build Common Law Assemblies: Practical Advice from Front Line Patriots

Former Mitt Romney Presidential Campaign Staffer