Ronna Prince, a filmmaker, intuitive counselor and spiritual teacher, has taken on the challenge of sharing the story of her personal journey of opening up her heart to live life with more powerful purpose, passion and peace. This film is very nicely done with a powerful messages shared by a number of prominent people...each of whom has walked their own journey of self-discovery.
If you are interested in history, the role of religion and faith throughout the centuries, and how people are developing their own perspectives...well, I think that you'll find the research of Margaret Johnston very interesting.
Place 33: Secretes of Universal Truths Revealed
Instead of another dry how-to-book, “Place 33: Secrets of Universal Truths Revealed” sends you on an amazing adventure hypnotically channeled by Spirit to author Cherlyn . As our world hurtles toward change and massive shifts faster and faster, Cherlyn decided now is the perfect time to release the wisdom given her by Spirit through hypnosis.
The Debut Show of Why Life Is... on BBS Radio!
Death - an experience all of us will have. Can it be de-mystified and understood? Echo has had personal experiences that she will talk about and we'll learn about her perceptions of the other side of this experience of life.
The Golden Age- A World That Works For Everyone
Our planet has shifted her focus of perception to a higher dimension. Unknown to those who follow the paradigm called empirical materialism (that is, believe that only what can be perceived by our physical senses is real), Earth is a sentient being of archangelic stature, with a physical body – just as we have a physical body – and a soul. We the inhabitants are in process of following her. Phillip and I will share insights as we discuss the awakening.