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Doctor, Researcher, Teacher, Spiritualist, Writer, Producer, Author, Broadcaster, Speaker, Minister, Metaphysician
Researcher, Writer, Author, Ufologist
Futurist, Lecturer, Author, Lawyer, Counselor, Judge, Teacher, Researcher
Scientist, Lecturer, Speaker, Archeologist, Historian, Philosopher, Airforce Intelligence Officer, Author, Writer, Spiritualist
Doctor, Physicist, Author, Broadcaster, Speaker, Teacher
Director, Producer, Filmmaker, Photographer, Author, Public Speaker, Researcher, Scientist, Physicist, Ecologist, Spiritual Explorer
Doctor, Physician, Lecturer, Ufologist, Researcher, Teacher, Author
Author, Scholar, Prohet, Astrologer, Lecturer, Doctor of Metaphysics, Hynotherapist, Astrophsychologist, Motivational Speaker, Healer, Broadcaster