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ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode contained specifics on the mechanics of 'Positive Spin', a channeling from Arch Angel Micahael concerning our arrival in the 5th Dimension, Bashar information about following your excitement, lots of new Physics info and some new versions of life in the 5th Dimension. 

Ann Kreilkamp weaves a magical tale, which we can all relate to on many levels.  We discuss Permaculture, EXOpermaculture, astrology and how to navigate these times and why.  A master storyteller, with wit and wisdom.  We'll have more chats this year, "by the fireside".  Enjoy!

She also writes one of my favorite blogs, which you can freely subscribe to, here:

The Expansion Point with Brad Johnson - Show #2

Topic: The Nature of Channeling

Kartron is a inter-dimensional being, here assisting humanity to embrace and embody its True Divine Potential. He is channeled by Patrick McCormick, who has worked and communicated with the Higher Realms of Creation for 26 years. After channeling various divine beings, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Engineers from Motherships, Divine Councils & Heavenly Hosts, Patrick, in 1994, began channeling Kartron, to restore the Divine Plan for the Earth & Mankind, by correcting time itself.

2014 Easter Resurrection

and the ‘Web’ We Want

  The cross is a universal symbol of

the crucifixion of spirit in matter.

The April Cosmic Grand Cross is

 the 2014 crossroads determining

  either decisive resurrection of the

  spirit that matters for all mankind

   or by default, ‘dimitude’ as “DUH”

 (Dim, Unconscious & Heartless).

Author, Mystic, Seer and Prophet