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World Famous Speech Analyst and UFO Video Documentarian

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa with special Guests, Martin Pytela, Suzanne Toro, and Morava Schaa

ET Yoga with Charles Green
 This Epidosde covered the topic of Reality Creation including the concept of a Virtual Reality inside of a Virtual Reality.

Join me with my special guest Kathy Crosswell as we discuss manifesting in 5D. An episode not to be missed!

Global Spring Uprising at the 'Tipping Point'

 "Highly evolved people have their
own conscience as pure law."

~ Lao Tzu

I'll be doing a reading on this 'Global Spring Uprising'
tonight on Cosmic LOVE. 

Article featuring 5 videos at: 'Global Spring Uprising'.

Call it the Tipping Point or O-point or Critical Mass,
the Hundredth Monkey Effect or Global Uprising.
Mass awakening and enlightenment has already
occurred in the quantum field continuum, and