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The 'Ultimate Truths of Reality" from the ancient mystery schools 2,000 years ago brought forward by the 'College of Christ Consciousness' connected to Extraterrestrial teachings of Bashar 2,700 years in our future.

Information connecting Integral Yoga as taught by Sri Swami Satchidananda to Extraterrestrial information and includes a 10 minute 'Hari Om' chant by the Swami.

The name of the first Extraterrestrial civilization to make contact with Earth, the Shaleniah.  The show features spiritual techniques and an Extraterrestrial meditation.

The first known public link with how Self Empowerment cross connects to Healing-All the way up to total immunity from disease.

Universal Soul Love with David Love and Dr. Lana Love, and special guest David Quigley

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk with Lola Jones

Sound Healing with David Gibson

The Sounds of Grief