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ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode was about our Galactic History, Spiritual Heritage, and connections to the Akashic Records and archeological finds around the globe that totally shatter the concepts of history currently taught in our society. 

Duane Heppner returns to delve more deeply into the structures of the Matrix and the layers of reality running Creation.  There is increased awareness of the 3 "Gods of man", and the control systems which keep humans incarnating in a human farming operation.  For those who enjoy David Icke and his exposure of the reptilian blood lines, this will be a "juicy show".  The value resides in pointing the way out of Creation, as beings of pure Light, exiting the manufactured duality and endless incarnations inside the Matrix.  


Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight Shusara talks in depth about love and focuses specifically on how human love is predicated on behavior. While the primary focus of our work is the dissolution of the personal self, that equates, in worldly understanding, to guiding people to live from their hearts. We look at why the personal self has such a difficult time wrapping itself around all the paradox within the teachings and Shusara assures us that at a point in the journey all the contradictions make perfect sense. 

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Shifts. In the movie 'The Shift', the late Wayne Dyer talks about the change in our consciousness from the morning to the afternoon of our lives. We talk about the shift from doing to Being, from ego to Consciousness, from self serving to a life of service.

What an amazing interview! Alexandra Meadors and Randy Cramer have a very informative review of psionics and the purpose and power behind learning psionic training, especially in this day and age. We promise this to be a very informative and entertaining interview about a subject that is totally scientifically based!

Detective David Love and Dr Lana Love speak to Nancy McMoneagle SEO of the famous Monroe Institute about remote reviewing, astral projection, out of body experiences, the afterlife, and the exploration of consciousness.

Nancy McMoneagle

Executive Director / President

Paranormal Expert, Psychic Investigator, Astrologist, Remote Reviewer, Writer, Public Speaker

The True History of Our Galactic World and The Birth of NESARA with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb with special guest K Taylor

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Shusara begins tonight’s session with a call for everyone to listen and pay attention to the statements that you are Beginningless, Endless, and Divine, the world works to prove otherwise but it is important to continue to feed this understanding into your consciousness. The adversity that we experience in the world is truly a gift of the Divine, and Shusara equates every experience as God presenting you with a return ticket home; a ticket that few want or will accept.