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Timothy Glenn returns to reveal the "bigger picture, for context and relativity.  This show is dedicated to the Origins of the Cosmic Matrix.  We bring forth the many elements which comprise the control system, predominantly A.I.  To run a multi-dimensional universe with various densities, parallel worlds and multiple life forms, requires the most advanced AI.  Tim offers solutions on acquiring clear vision to see through the simultaneous distortions, overlaid on the context of the natural universe, or organic life which is very Real.

Hard News on Friday with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett and Tara & Rama

Signs of Life interview with Dr Tom Walker

Spiritual and Intuitive Healer, Medium, Channeler and Shamana.



International explorer, archaeologist and author

Conscious Thought with Leo with Magdalena Winkler and guest Lily Kolosova. About Personal Healing, Awakening Humanity to New Earth Time line, preparing Souls for harvest and what is that mean? Find out more with Lily Earthling, who is sharing her personal life experience and  her connecting with her own Spirit ....and learn that we all can do the same ..thanks Lily for sharing and looking for to hear more wisdom ..Magdalena

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Clearing Out and Consciousness! Whether it's clearing out our bodies through illness or cleanse, clearing out our homes of physical clutter, or clearing our minds, our emotions, our finances... how does this help our experience of the field Unified Consciousness? Janet and Joan will explore this and other interesting things from Heart Centered Awareness!