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ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode contained links between the most recent scientific discoveries and different levels of perception on the Spiritual Path and levels of creating and maintaining optimum health. Key information concerning some of the secret inner teaching of Xi Gong. 

Artist, Illustrator, UFO and Zero Point Energy Research

Why Life Is... with Niles MacFlouer

Signs of Life with Bob & Phran Ginsberg

Interviewing Dr Vernon Neppe

The Global Freedom Fest, to be held next year, promises to be the metaphysical Woodstock of the 21st century.

In this interview, Alexandra speaks with Stash, the founder of the event and Troy Mathisen, co-founder, about their vision for the festival. To be held simultaneously in multiple venues across the world, the Global Freedom Fest will celebrate a new paradigm of Source-granted inalienable freedom, mutual trust, global unity, cooperative respect, and heart-centered community among all members of the human 'tribe'.

Growing up Indigo " Magic is Easy. " Disney Movie- Spoken by Aggie Cromwell,(  Actress The Late Great Debbie Reynolds. (whom, by the way, is an amazing example of manifestation in all areas ) some she may not have enjoyed, but she manifested the same lesson 3 times, so she must have needed it. 

Signs of Life with Bob & Phran Ginsberg

The Gathering Discussion

Why Life Is... with Niles MacFlouer

Mike Harris is Financial Editor at Veteran's Today, and host of "Short End of the Stick" on Revolution Radio. In this interview with Alexandra, Mike Harris gives us his perceptions of President Trump's first days in office, the make-up of his administration, and the prospects for real change in the US and its international relations.

Signs of Life with Kim & Betty guest hosting

Interviewing Eva Herr