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Guest Name
Dr Edward Close
Dr Edward Close Speaks on Natural Ways to Deal With Mold
Guest Occupation
Environmental Engineer
Guest Biography

Dr Edward Close is a PhD Environmental Engineer with 40 + years experience, a Distinguished Fellow, and Senior Research Fellow with two International organizations, He is one of the nation’s foremost experts on environmental engineering and hazard mitigation and a favorite guest on many radio shows including Coast to Coast. He and his wife, Jacqui,  are recognized pioneers in the elimination and prevention of toxic mold, and have co-authored a book, Natures Mold Rx, and produced a video, Toxic Mold, A Breakthrough Discovery.

Pursuing an active research program in environmental remediation, Dr Close has made a series of breakthrough discoveries in using non-toxic compounds in mold research that have benefited millions. He is a charter member of the internationally known Integrated Health-Care Professionals Council. He has authored numerous technical papers and five books, including the groundbreaking "Transcendental Physics, Integrating the Search for Truth". He also developed the mathematical "calculus of distinctions", and described a brief (several pages), but never refuted first published proof for the famous Fermat's Last Theorem 3. . He has also developed several new theorems of consciousness, and contributed important engineering applications.

 Memberships include: A Charter member of the USGS WRD Systems Analysis Group. A Charter member of an Integrated Health Professionals Council, Senior Research Fellow of the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry (ISPE), Distinguished Fellow of the Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization (ECAO), Degrees in Mathematics, Physics and Environmental Engineering, Registered Professional Engineer, Kappa Mu Epsilon, Honorary Mathematics Society, ECAO, and other high IQ organizations and several professional organizations.

 His Current positions include:Director of Research and Environmental Engineer at EJC Enterprises, LLC and Physical Sciences Consultant to the Pacific Neuropsychiatric  Institute, Seattle, WA.   Current Research includes”  Elimination of Toxic Mold and other harmful micro-organisms, The Mind –Body Connection, Transcendental Physics and related Mathematical Methods, Quantum Physics and Brain Dynamics,  and The Origins of Life and Consciousness.