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Professor, Educator, Researcher, Writer, Author
Author, Visionary, Social Innovator, Evolutionary Thinker, Educator, Producer, Narrator, Trainer, Doctor of Conscious Evolution
Independent Researcher, Humanitarian, Author, Editor, Writer, Scholar, Teacher, Speaker, Myan Calendar Authority
Lecturer, Filmmaker, Researcher, Author, Writer, New Age Thinker
Retired Professor, Physicist, Quantum Physics Researcher, Consciousness Explorer, Author, Speaker, Quantum Activist
Energy Health Specialist, Writer, Lecturer, Educator, Author, Instructor, Presenter, Teacher, Holistic Health Expert
Consciousness Researcher, Scientist, Physicist, Explorer
Swami Beyondananda, Author, Humorist, Workshop Leader, Writer, Performer, Author, Blogger, Spiritualist, Sponstaneous Evolutionary
Film Director, Photographer, Author, Master Teacher, Enlightened Healer, Doctor of Cognitive Studies