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Zeta Global Radio with Dr Deepak Chopra

Topic: You won't know what your brain can do until you test its limits.

Why Am I So Happy with Paula Vail and guest Rev Stephanie Clarke

Its a Crazy World with Cynthia McIntosh and guest Abraham

Topic: Rockin Talk Ep-02 - Scams

Today we discuss leaving a mark on the world through how you live and choose to perform.

Our first guest, David McNally, is an international author, speaker, and CEO of a company called Transform Corp. Our second guest, Kate Allgood, is an author, sports psychologist of Quantum Performance Inc., speaker, and coach. Today, they teach us the secrets to achieving our goals and making our mark on the world.

Today we discuss how to survive family vacations and how to transition back into everyday life once they’ve ended.


We Discuss:

  • Fantasies and false expectations surrounding vacation

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle and guest Ron Bittner

Its a Crazy World with Cynthia McIntosh - The Best of It's a Crazy World 2

Its a Crazy World with Cynthia McIntosh with guest Abraham

Topic: Introducing Abraham