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Independent Researcher, Parnormal Phenomena Investigator, Author
Authority on Near Death, Near Death Researcher, Scientist, Author, Writer, Columnist, Director, Forms Analyst, Entrepreneur, Altered States Investigator, Hypnotist, Numerologist, Astrologer, Speaker, Therapeutic Counselor
Near Death Researcher, Professor, Psychiatrist, Neurobehavioral Scientist, Founder International Association for Near-Death Studies, Editor, Writer
NDE'r, Universal Intelligence Contactee, Author, Speaker
Physicist, Professor, Communications Director, Psychic Phenomena Reasearcher, Writer, Author, Afterlife Researcher
Public Speaker, Coach, Author, Multiple Tragedy Survivor
Teacher, Consciousness Researcher, NDE Investigator, Author
Author, Writer, NDE Researcher, Humanitarian, Scholar, Philosopher, Doctor, Lecturer, Trainer, Counselor, Media Expert
Author, Journalist, Columnist, Writer, Lecturer, Unsolved Mysteries Researcher, Conspiracy Investigator, Ufologist and Cryptozoologist