Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould - The Gathering
Thursday, February 6th!
8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)
Hosts: Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould
Tonight our panel will be addressing questions from our listeners that pertain to all matters related to life after death, consciousness, spirituality, etc.
Call us LIVE to ask your question on the air, or email them in advance to
We can learn from each other!
Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould - The Gathering
Thursday, January 2nd!
8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)
Hosts: Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould
Tonight our panel will be addressing questions from our listeners that pertain to all matters related to life after death, consciousness, spirituality, etc.
Call us LIVE to ask your question on the air, or email them in advance to
We can learn from each other!
Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould - The Gathering
Thursday, December 5th!
8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)
Hosts: Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould
Tonight our panel will be addressing questions from our listeners that pertain to all matters related to life after death, consciousness, spirituality, etc.
Call us LIVE to ask your question on the air, or email them in advance to
We can learn from each other!
Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould - The Gathering
Thursday, November 7th!
8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)
Hosts: Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould
Tonight our panel will be addressing questions from our listeners that pertain to all matters related to life after death, consciousness, spirituality, etc.
Call us LIVE to ask your question on the air, or email them in advance to
We can learn from each other!
Dare to Dream with Debbi Dachinger
Guest, Dr Eben Alexander, NDE Experiencer and Academic neurosurgeon with research interest in phenomenon of consciousness, Author of Proof of Heaven, Living in a Mindful Universe, Map of Heaven. Eben Alexander is an academic neurosurgeon and author who has written several books, including Proof of Heaven, The Map of Heaven, and Living in a Mindful Universe.
From Coma to Consciousness: Dr. Eben Alexander's Astonishing Journey Into the Afterlife!
Joseph Varley Presents
Joseph Varley, Diana White Eagle, Jesse Baily, Scotland and his mother, Jackie
Topic: Autism and overcoming!
Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould - The Gathering
Thursday, October 3rd!
8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)
Hosts: Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould
Tonight our panel will be addressing questions from our listeners that pertain to all matters related to life after death, consciousness, spirituality, etc.
Call us LIVE to ask your question on the air, or email them in advance to
We can learn from each other!
Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould - The Gathering
Thursday, September 5th!
8:00 PM Eastern (check your time zone)
Hosts: Bob Ginsberg and Tom & Melissa Gould
Tonight our panel will be addressing questions from our listeners that pertain to all matters related to life after death, consciousness, spirituality, etc.
Call us LIVE to ask your question on the air, or email them in advance to
We can learn from each other!