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Guests, John Monaghan III, James Steinmetz and Douglas Wyman, Retired Police Chiefs and Retired SGT New Hamshire State Police

Researcher, Advocate, Volunteer, Author, International Speaker, Co-founder

It can be hard to achieve what you’ve never seen before. In this episode, we explore the transformative power of mentorship in cultivating effective leadership and fostering personal and professional growth.

Mental Health Lifeline for Clay County’s Bravest with Guests, Chief David Motes and Marie Gumá, Acting Fire Chief and Founder, Command Counseling

The Sports Doctor with Dr. Robert Weil

Guests, Joel Franco and Dr. Rachel Hughes

Courageous Conversations with Leila Reyes

The fascinating process of transformation

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared loneliness to be a pressing global health threat because of the harmful and potentially life-threatening effects upon our mental and physical health. Despite being more connected than ever through technology, many individuals find themselves trapped in a web of isolation, yearning for meaningful human connection.

The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and guests, Tamira McGillivray and Marilyn Dyke