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The John Martin Talk Show - show 16 - with John Martin International Visionary and Healer, on BBS Radio!

The John Martin Talk Show - show 15 - with John Martin International Visionary and Healer, on BBS Radio!

Karen Doonan, from Scotland, is an author and channel who is perhaps best known for her High Council of Orion channelings. She is author of TRUTH CODES - Chronicles from Orion which is channeled directly from the High Council of Orion and covers all areas of the human life experience.  Karen is a member of a SOUL group who have incarnated into the human race at this time in order to facilitate the deep changes within the energy signatures of the human race and thus anchoring the new earth within the human conscious waking life experience.

KELLY HAMPTON  When she was about 21, she found she could communicate with her mother, who had passed some seven years before. She kept learning and practicing over the years, and in her 30s, her gifts took another leap, and she turned pro. Over the years, she’s channeled Jesus, Mary, a number of angels, the Buddha and more – and still does – but her primary Spiritual partner and mentor is Archangel Michael.

Born as one of two sets of identical twins, Elizabeth Joyce has been psychic since birth. Named one of the World’s Greatest Psychics (Citadel Press, 2004), she is a spiritual healer and gives personal psychic readings worldwide. She teaches the work of Louise Hay, who was one of her mentors. Elizabeth Joyce writes a monthly astrology column in several publications, including Wisdom Magazine. Ms. Joyce is a professional Astrologer, Spiritual Healer/Counselor, Medium and Clairvoyant who interprets dreams and utilizes the Higher Dimension frequencies as well as Astrology in readings.

Mastery is only gained through self-conscious effort, one must apply it to get results, just wishing won't do it.
- St. Germaine


Do you feel a presence? That presence is not your mind; but is your Soul.  

The mind might be lost in contemplation, wonder or daydreaming as the  inner dialogue happens in the presence of the soul. So let's instead  take a  few moments to become aware and  just ...   

We'll be discussing how Deborah became acquainted with some very special people, experiences and much more.  These experiences have changed her life in some powerful ways.

Author, Musician, Composer, Sound Healer, Teacher, Author, Visual Artist